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Welcome to the Website of Ege Disability Support Office

     The unit, which was founded in order to identify and remove obstacles faced by the students with disabilities during their higher education life, and to create “an accessible campus” also serves as a bridge between the students and academic members and administrative staff.

     Individuals’ disabilities-deficiencies turn into “impediments” only with the physical or attitudinal barriers they encounter in the social life. Realizing that fact means that our fight against disabilities has started. A person who uses a wheelchair is not disabled because of spinal cord paralysis-muscle disorders, but because the physical environments are not properly arranged for wheelchairs. Similarly, the disability of a person with visual impairment is not optic atrophy, glaucome, but unproper arrangements and environments. When we perceive disabilities and individuals with disabilities in this way, we develop a social life perception in which individuals “with different lifestyles and needs” are together. With the development in our perception, the words we use such as “disabled, blind, deaf” will be replaced with “an individual with walking disability, an individual with visual impairment, an individual with hearing impairment” and we emphasize being an individual instead of the disability-health problem in the description of people. With the development in our perception, we pave the way for the individuals, who we do not want to see because we pity, to exist in the society and we reveal those hidden potential. This is the understanding which constituted a base for the foundation of disability support unit in Ege University. For this reason, “Ege Disability Support Office” is our name. With this understanding, we aim to arrange and make available physical environments as well as to create a positive education environment and make our university UNIMPEDED by creating a disability awareness. We efforts to found a disability support unit, which started long before the establishment of the Law on People with Disabilities was enacted, realized in July, 2008.

You can receive information about what we have done since our establishment from the related pages of our website. We wish you, who are essential to remove obstacles, to be with us and increase the power of our studies.

You can receive information about the establishment of the unit, working style, employees in the unit, printed materials and see photos of unit’s events on our website. You can also share any subject you want with us at anytime using our website.

We expect your contributions to the unit’s work to create an accessible campus where obstacles are removed

Ege Üniversitesi